Friday, May 27, 2022

Classic Slippers! "Foot Comfort To Match Your Fancy" (a crochet pattern leaflet)

I have no clue how to crochet. I've seen people do it, but my fingers are pretty much idiots when it comes to fiber arts. Oh, sure, I can operate a sewing machine with the best home economics class alumnae, and can wield a mean needle and thread if a button falls off my shirt, but this thing where one takes a stick with a bend at the end and uses it to knot thread or yarn to make something utile? Not. A. Chance.  

Still, as with the sheet music, I'm not averse to collecting paper artifacts and sharing them with the people who actually know what these mysterious numbers and letters mean.


And, I wear a size 10 "majorette" bootie, in case any of my friends are looking for ideas…